Monday, December 15, 2014
Here’s Why ADHD May Have Been An Evolutionary Advantage
If you've ever learned something by playing a game, observing someone else, or watching a TED talk, you're doing it the way humans have for the majority of our history.
Rather than learning in a classroom, our hunting and gathering ancestors played, observed each other and, occasionally, got a lesson from family or friends. If you were lucky enough to have a personality that was well-suited to this style of learning, it not only meant you acquired new skills quicker — it probably also meant you lived longer.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Does ADHD make you cleverer?
Does ADHD make you cleverer?
People with ADHD are often considered "stupid" and perform poorly at school, but evidence suggests that they might be brighter than average, they just can't achieve their potential.